Shareware Survives the Big One  By Diana Gruber Shareware authors, vendors and users in California and Nevada were surprised by the two big earthquakes on the morning of June 28. Where were you when the big one hit? ŠBob Lancaster -- MicroLink Games, author of MLYaht, MLCrux, etc. Bob was asleep in bed when the earthquake hit. He immediately jumped up and ran in to see how the kids were. When it was clear the kids were fine, he rushed over to check out his computer. The computer was fine too. The Lancasters sustained no damage, but a bunch of books fell off the bookshelves. ŠMike Hobbs -- The Software Labs, vendor Mike was asleep when the earthquake hit, and he jumped up and ran over and stood in a doorway, which is what you are supposed to do when an earthquake hits. His 4 well-trained cats stood in the doorway with him, which is what cats are supposed to do too. Mike's computer was in the process of doing a complicated ray trace of a girl's face when the power went off. Those ray trace pictures are beautiful, but take hours to complete. Fortunately there was a restart command built into the ray trace, so no work was lost, and the picture was completed when the power came back on. ŠTony Gentile -- Prodigy Technologies, Instant Access Menu System Tony had yet gone to bed yet when the 5:00 am earthquake hit. He was at his computer online to a local bulletin board, checking out the Fidonet echo conferences. When his house started shaking he logged off as quickly as possible and then sat around waiting for the earthquake to stop. His 2 year old brother woke up and started crying. After that Tony went to bed and slept until around 9:00. The second earthquake at 8:00 am woke him up only briefly, as he was very tired and he tried to sleep through it. Tony's mom has gradually become accustomed to Tony's late working hours and unusual sleeping habits. ŠJohn Wagner -- author of Improces John was writing code when the earthquake started. He immediately switched off the computer and went in the other room to comfort his 2 year old son Martin. His dog, Annie, ran out of the room with her tail between her legs. John slept through the second earthquake. ŠRon Volkmar -- author of Vacation Planner Ron was asleep in Las Vegas during both earthquakes. The first one woke him up and he went back to sleep. The second one, three hours later, woke him up again. This time he got up and logged onto Prodigy where there were two messages waiting for him from his dad in California. His dad said he felt the earthquake and he was okay. Ron responded with a message saying he too felt the earthquake and he was also okay. Then Ron read the highlights on Prodigy about the strength of the earthquake and where the epicenter was. ŠDan Snapper -- beta tester for SparkWare (1st Reader) and Robocomm The first earthquake woke up Dan and his wife Grace and their son Matthew, all of whom ran out in the hallway and stood in separate doorways. Then Dan drove to his floor covering store which has a lot of glass windows in the front to make sure nothing had been broken. Nothing had. ŠViggo Jensen -- author of Landlord, a Monopoly-type board game Viggo was sleeping when the earthquake hit. He got up momentarily and stood in the doorway, then went back to sleep. Shirley also got up momentarily, and went somewhere, but Viggo doesn't know where she went. Viggo didn't bother to check his computer, and later that day watched the news for about half a minute to confirm that indeed there had been an earthquake. The Jensens sustained no damage, and had a very low interest level. ŠKevin Spence -- Author of VGAPoker Kevin told me he was programming until 3:00 in the morning, and slept through the whole earthquake without waking up. Later he admitted he wasn't programming until 3:00 in the morning, he was playing Wolfenstein until 3:00 in the morning. ŠUnidentified author of well-known graphics program "My wife and I were just getting ready to make the earth move, when... the earth moved." ŠRobert Vostreys -- Author of RNET Robert lives in Stone Mountain Georgia, so he was nowhere near the earthquake, but he has had some experience with natural disasters. He lives on the top of a hill, where there is one tall pole carrying both the power line and the phone line into his house. This pole has been struck by lightning 3 times. Every time that happens it knocks out his bulletin board. Once he was struck by a direct hit that bounced around the room and wiped out all his computer hardware -- fried it to a crisp. He replaced and repaired everything in time to be hit again 18 days later. In the mean time he ordered a surge suppressor with a guarantee. Before it arrived he was hit again. His advice to sysops: get good surge suppressors, the kind with the guarantee. It is more expensive, because you are buying into an insurance policy, but if you get hit, it will be worth it. ŠMitch Harhay -- Author of the Las Vegas Bingo Club Mitch was asleep when the 5:00 am earthquake woke him up. He got out of bed and went to church with his mom and his dad and his brother. The second earthquake hit while he was in church, and he didn't feel it. ŠVance Venable of the Organization of Shareware Writers and ŠDistributors reports OSWAD is in northern California and was not shaken. ŠDiana Gruber -- Editor of STARgazer The first earthquake woke me up. I went out in the front room and watched CNN for the next few hours. I saw the second earthquake on TV about 1 minute before I felt it in Las Vegas.